Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week of Dismay

Thie week started off with the high hopes that the Board of Education and the Association wold come to agreement about our contract that has been in flux going on it's second year. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and is now in the hands of the Board. For many reasons we would like this settled before starting the school year, the most pressing for moral. Going into a second year without a current contract makes everyone sad,yet going to fact finding is a scary situation. One, I am sure, that no one wants to take.

This meeting came on the heels of a funeral that was held for a former teacher/counselor/principal. A young woman who left a husband and grown daughter, who will be terribly missed. And then, today, there is the funeral of a former tennis coach who left behind children and grandchildren as his life finally came to an end in his 80s.

Then there was the tragedy on Friday, August 21 in Aurora, Colorado. a 24-year-old man police say opened fire early Friday on a movie audience who were watching the opening of the movie,"The Dark Knight Rises". 12 people died, including a six-year-old and 50 were injured. This horrific event has flooded social media and the tv for days.

Still, I really liked the brother of one of the victim's idea when he said...go and do something good for each of the 12 victims, including his sister. Do something that will honor their lives. Do not keep promoting the killer, but celebrate the victims lives.

Lives have changed this people I know and to people who I will never meet. Still, I couldn't let this week go without writing about these people; that would be a biggest disservice to all.

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