Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Unexpected

Some people fear the unexpected



the unexpected

can be

great. ----Sharon Creech

Sharon Creech is a great writer...evidence the awards she has won, but more importantly, the way the kids love her books and always ask for me to read more of them during story telling time (yes, I still do that in third-grade).

Today I had an unexpected day. My principal had told me about a future student's performance. She couldn't go, but I got some information from the dad and thought if I had time I would take a ride over to Philly to see it.

I was in awe of the little guy, a future third-grader coming my way in September. He took a chance and went to an actor's camp in Philadelphia this summer. He wants to be a stand-up comedian (oh, I can hear it now this year) so taking an acting course is a great start...even though he had no idea what to expect.

As I watched him on the huge professional Walnut Street Theater, he looked nervous but excited. I didn't tell him I was coming;he doesn't know me yet, but I could pick him out. I was sitting on the aisle, not too close to the stage. The show was very cute. The kids had written it themselves and it included acting,dancing, and singing. Microphones would have helped a bit, but I still have my teacher hearing even during the summer. I watched as he and other performed and watched the parents and families of the actors glowing with pride.

Imagine my surprise when I got an email from the dad shortly after the performance. He told me Drew had seen me in the audience. How he did that, I have no idea. They invited me to lunch, which I thought was nice. I didn't have the opportunity to do that, but how unexpected was that.

All of this made me think about teachers...again. I know that so many of them who go to little league games, dance recitals, basketball games, shows and more to watch their students, former and current. They give their own time on weekends and at nights when they could be with their own families. I wonder if the new evaluation forms will include things like this on them?

We all fear the unexpected...with good reason, but as Sharon said it can be great. Just like our students and teachers are.

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